

Republican gubernatorial candidate Jamie Reitenour  says local television stations should correct the “injustice” of
excluding her from primary debates.

 Fox59-CBS4 and WISH-TV will both host debates for Indiana’s G-O-P gubernatorial primary.

To get into those debates, local Fox-CBS owner Nexstar requires candidates to have reached at least 5 percent in public polling
and 100-thousand dollars in campaign contributions.

That bars both Reitenour and former Attorney General Curtis Hill.

WISH-TV’s criteria aren’t publicly available, though Reitenour has said it’s a 300-thousand-dollar contribution requirement.

Some of the other candidates have called on the stations to include all candidates on the ballot. But Reitenour says some —
including U-S Senator Mike Braun, considered the frontrunner — have been silent.

“If the candidates will not stand for what is right now, why would Hoosiers believe they will stand for Hoosiers later?” she said.

Reitenour points out that in the poll Nexstar is using to exclude her, 43 percent of people were undecided on the race.